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35000 RPM Nail Polisher

Designed with a high-quality aluminum alloy long-life handpiece, low noise, low vibration, low heat for handling, suitable and safe for use. Convinent to carry around.

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48W Rechargeable Nail Drying Lamp

Beautiful appearance, rich colors, durable with unique crystal craftwork. Large enough to treat five fingers or toes with upgrade removable metal bottom.The rectangular design is perfect for long nails. The detachable base can be removed for cleaning and easy pedicure use.

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Mixtogethers LLC

  • A professional nail tools wholesale and retail website
  • We are mainly engaged in the wholesale and retail business of nail light therapy lamps, nail vacuum cleaners, and nail polishers. We have a team of passionate and dedicated nail experts. Our team is dedicated to handpicking quality products, curating inspiring collections, and discovering the nail tools and products you want. We ensure that all products meet the requirements needed for nail care and most importantly, the financial needs of the consumer. We rely on your acceptance and confidence that we will continue the love and passion of day one, a job that still gives us life and keeps us captivated. Whether you are a nail technician pampering a client or a beauty expert creating an iconic manicure at home, our mission is to be the ideal destination for all your nail tool needs.
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